The Most Efficient Way to Chlorinate your Pool
There are several of swimming pool chlorine available to pool and spa owners including liquid, granular, and in solid tablet form. Chlorine products are available in di-chlor and tri-chlor formulas. All are effective at killing bacteria and preventing algal growth. But, which is the most efficient way to Chlorinate your pool? Let's take a look!
In-line Chlorination System
This method of pool chlorination is plumbed into the swimming pools return line. As you probably guessed this method does require some simple but necessary plumbing preparation work. Depending on your comfort level, you may want to hire a technician to install your in-line chlorination system.

As you can see the Chlorine Feeder is the last stop along the return line back to the pool. This is a very important point because this location prevents backflow of chlorinated water back to you equipment. This type of system uses solid chlorine tablets. Mini-tabs, 2 inch tabs and 3 inch tabs will work in an in-line system.
This method is the most efficient way to chlorinate your pool. In-line systems conserve Chlorine and allows you to closely regulate Chlorine levels that are being released into your pool. With a system like this you can easily increase Chlorine output during times of heavy pool use or high outdoor temperatures or decrease Chlorine in cooler, low pool use weeks.
Setting this system up takes a little time that you may not have. Or, you may not want to make the investment required right now so let's discuss a a few alternatives.
Solid Chlorine Tablets
3-inch Chlorine tablets are a very easy and quick way to administer Chlorine to you pool. There are a few different ways these tablets can be used to Chlorinate your pool.
You can place a couple of Chlorine tablets directly into your pool skimmer basket. I think of this method as quick and dirty and many pool aficionados advise against this method. The pool skimmer basket is one of the last stops for your water on

the way to the pump and filter. Your pools pump and filter are the most expensive and important pieces of your circulation operation. By adding concentrated Chlorine at this location, you are flooding the pump and filter with highly acidic water. This acidic water will decrease the lifespan of your equipment. Although effective, this method is usually not recommended.
Alternatively, you can use a floating Chlorine dispenser, sometimes referred to as a floater, to add Chlorine to your pool. A floater is a small container filled with Chlorine tablets that have direct contact with your pool water. As the floater makes it's way across the surface of the pool Chlorine is distributed as it dissolves. Although Chlorination using a floater does not distribute Chlorine evenly, it is still a very effective way of introducing Chlorine to your pool.
Granular Chlorine
Chlorinating your pool using granular Chlorine is another good way to add Chlorine to your pool if you aren't set up with an in-line chlorinator. You can either

sprinkle the granulated Chlorine across the surface of your pool or dissolve the granulated Chlorine in a bucket of water and then add it to you pool. Both of these methods work well.
Granular Chlorine dissolves and takes action quickly. In comparison, 3-inch tablets dissolve slowly. However, as a result, granulated Chlorine needs to be added more frequently. Granulated Chlorine is ideal for pool shock treatments because Chlorine levels can be increased and its quick dissolving nature promotes quick sanitizing action. Shock formulas activate quickly killing bacteria and algae.
Liquid Chlorine
You can use liquid Chlorine to chlorinate your pool. Liquid Chlorine enters you pools solution immediately. It is often used to quickly raise Chlorine levels. However, this Chlorine spike is temporary and levels back our faster than granulated Chlorine and much faster than tablets.
Liquid Chlorine can be added directly to the edges of your pool. It can also be added at the point of water return back to the pool for quicker distribution. It needs

to be mentioned that pool-grade liquid Chlorine is more concentrated than regular bleach. It also has a much shorter shelf life than granulated or tablet Chlorine.
Every swimming pool has unique attributes and every pool keeper has a unique lifestyle. The very best method of chlorinating your pool is the one that works for your pool and lifestyle. But, if you have the time, skills, and/or money, installing an in-line chlorination system is the most efficient way to chlorinate your pool.