6 Things You Need To Consider To Get The Best Fire Pit
A fire pit has more to offer than just fire. With a live flame comes a cozy feeling, welcoming atmosphere, free conversation, and relaxation. Oh, and don't forget the s'mores. When you start looking for a fire pit, you have a lot of options. There are 6 main things you need to think about to get the best fire pit for your back yard.
This should be number one on your list. How do you intend to use your fire pit? Different types have various features and functions. Will you use the fire pit to cook? For warmth on a cool day or after pool play? Or is it mainly a landscaping feature?
Your search will become more focused when you think about this question first.
Where you'll be putting your fire pit makes all the difference. Color, size, and type are contingent on location. Scope out the perfect spot. You're looking for a focal point. If you have a swimming pool, it's a natural location for a fire pit. Likewise, a large back deck, well suited for entertaining, is a promising fire pit location.
If you like flexibility and want to be able to store the fire pit during the offseason, you might consider a portable model. They're safe, convenient, easier on your wallet, and often look just as good as built-in fire pit features.
This is an onerous part of building your own fire pit – and a major reason many people go with a high-quality portable fire pit.
If you intend to build your own, you'll need to learn how your area's codes and regulations will apply to your fire pit. Many of your specific placement and safety instructions will come from code. Just don't get stuck with a completed fire pit in a spot where it's not allowed.
You really have two choices: wood or gas.
Wood fire pits require more maintenance and cleaning than gas fire pits. They do feature the campfire smell that brings back memories. But they can also mean smoke in your eyes.
Gas fires burn less hot than wood fires. Cool nights will be cooler. But gas fire pits are far easier to start and maintain.
Are you going to have children around the fire pit? Will there be safety measures in place to keep it from being turned on when you're not there?
Your fire pit should be a stress-reliever, not a stress-creator. Buy one that minimizes risks and maximizes safety.
At the end of the day, if your fire pit looks good, you'll be happy with your choice. Just consider the character you want your yard to have. Then, take your time to find a fire pit with the perfect style, size, material, and color.
Pay attention to these 6 things – and you'll be able to find a fire pit that fits your desires and complements your home. When you're ready to buy, we're here to help! Come on in to The Great Backyard.